Temperatures are rising and the sun is getting stronger! Some sun exposure is good for us to get our daily dose of vitamin D, but too much sun can tax our systems. An excess amount of heat in the body is actually considered a pathogen in Chinese medicine.
Here are some tips for how to stay cool this season:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day and consider adding electrolytes to increase fluid absorption.
Eat Cooling Foods: Watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, spinach, radish, zucchini, lime, mint, and bitter foods, are all cooling to the body.
Limit Warming Foods: Spicy and greasy foods, alcohol, coffee, and processed sugar, can all increase heat in the body.
Wear Lightweight Clothing: Wear clothing that is light in color and fabric to keep you cool when the sun is blazing hot.
Avoid Sunburn: Wear sunblock, sunglasses, and a hat, to protect yourself from sunburn. If you are spending all day outside, make sure you can find a shaded area to relax in.