What is Vedic Meditation?
Vedic Meditation is a simple and effortless technique that anyone can learn successfully. It is a mantra-based practice that allows us to gently move beyond thought and access a calm inner state of Being. It provides deep rest for the mind and body, allowing us to release accumulated stress, increase our baseline of happiness, and come back to our true self.
Vedic Meditation is an ancient practice that originated 5,000 years ago from the Veda—a body of knowledge from India that also gave rise to yoga and Ayurvedic medicine. The Vedic Meditation technique wasn’t designed for monks or people living in caves, it was designed for people like us, who live in a dynamic world. It is for people who lead full lives and have families, homes, jobs, responsibilities, hobbies, and ambitions. It is also for people who are stuck or lost and need a tool to help them move forward. It is easy to integrate into a busy lifestyle because we can meditate anywhere we feel comfortable. We can meditate on planes, subways, trains, and park benches, or in cars, noisy houses, offices, and waiting rooms. All we need to do is close our eyes and sit comfortably with our backs supported. We take it as it comes and embrace the simple, natural, innocent, process of Vedic Meditation.
How is Vedic Meditation different than other styles of meditation?
Other styles of meditation typically fall into three categories: contemplation, concentration, and mindfulness. These are all beneficial, but they keep us in the level of thinking and require effort. Vedic Meditation is much easier to practice than other styles of meditation because it doesn’t require any effort or control. It is a transcendent technique that uses a personalized mantra to easily guide the mind to quieter states of awareness. The cycle of thinking and returning to the mantra requires no concentration or force, and helps the body to rest deeply. I tried many styles of meditation over the years but could never stick with them. When I learned Vedic Meditation, I felt a major sense of relief because it was easy to practice and I felt the benefits right away.
Benefits of Vedic Meditation
Meditation has been the subject of hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies showing a wide range of benefits. These benefits are obtainable from regular practice of Vedic Meditation and include the following:
Reduced stress levels
Relief from anxiety and depression
Improved health and stronger immune system
Better quality sleep and relief from insomnia
Increased energy levels and relief from fatigue
Increased happiness, fulfillment, and self-esteem
Improved relationships
Relief from headaches, migraines, and asthma
Reduced risk of heart disease
Normalized blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Reduction of biological aging
Improved memory, concentration, and academic performance
Greater clarity and decision-making
Faster reaction times and improved athletic performance
Reduced addictive behaviors and unsustainable habits
Normalization of weight
Improved creativity, efficiency, and productivity
Increased adaptability, resiliency, and self-sufficiency
How to Learn
I teach Vedic Meditation in person over 4 consecutive days. The first day is a 60-minute session and the following 3 days are 90-minute sessions. The first step is to schedule a free introductory talk—a prerequisite to the Learn to Meditate Course. The free introductory talk is about 20 minutes and covers how the technique works, the benefits of meditation, and the structure of the course. I also answer any questions that arise.
Once you attend an introductory talk, you can sign up for the Learn to Meditate Course. I schedule courses to best accommodate my students’ busy lives. I mostly teach in Colorado but am open to traveling elsewhere if there is interest. Reach out if you’d like to learn more or if you have any questions.
The Course Fee
Students choose their course fee based on a sliding scale according to income. This type of equitable exchange is a practice from India dating back thousands of years and maintains the purity and consistency of the teaching tradition. It also subsidizes the course for those with lesser means. The idea behind the payment is to invoke the law of reciprocity—for the student to offer willingly, something precious to them, in order to receive something that they will value even more. Discounted rates are available for students, veterans, and those on disability. I also offer private teaching prices upon request. Reach out for more details on the sliding scale methodology that I use.
What is included with the course fee:
A lifetime of support from me as your teacher
Regular group meditations with me or any other Vedic Meditation teacher
Access to the global Vedic Meditation community
The ability to retake the Learn to Meditate Course at any time in the future at no cost
A meditation technique that you can use for the rest of your life self-sufficiently
Rachel’s Story
In 2015 I had just quit my job and was burnt out, anxious, and dealing with way too many health issues for a 25-year-old. I learned Vedic Meditation and everything changed. I started having more energy, more clarity, and less anxiety. In my first few weeks of meditating I had a vision of becoming an acupuncturist, so I went back to school to do just that. Suddenly my intuition was stronger and I felt more like myself than ever before.
Over the last 9 years of practicing Vedic Meditation, my life has completely transformed in the best ways. I feel less overwhelmed by life and am more calm, open, and compassionate. I feel like less of a victim of the world and can now see that everything is happening for me and not to me. The stressors of life are still present, but I am able to navigate them with less reaction and more grace. My confidence has strengthened and I have learned that going with the flow feels much better than holding on for dear life. My self-sufficiency has increased, as I’ve realized that happiness lies within, and that I won’t find fulfillment outside of myself. My appreciation for nature has taken on a new form, helping me to feel more present and blissful. For all of these reasons, I decided to become a teacher of Vedic Meditation so that I could share this life-changing practice with anyone who wants to learn.
To become a teacher of this tradition I studied for several years and then traveled to India for a 3-month intensive training in the foothills of the Himalayas. During the training, I learned from some of the world’s greatest masters of the tradition, including Thom Knoles, the pre-eminent authority of Vedic Knowledge in the West. After graduating as a Vedic Meditation teacher, I was inducted into the Shankaracharya tradition, an ancient branch of knowledge revered in India.
It is an honor to teach Vedic Meditation and to help my students embrace the peaceful, happy, and full, lives that they deserve.
The Learn to Meditate Course
Join me in person for 4 consecutive days of 90-minute sessions.
This is what we go through each day:
Day 1
Initiation Day
Witness a gratitude ceremony
Receive your personalized mantra
Practice meditating together
Day 2
Mechanics of Meditation
Understand the mechanics of the mind and thoughts
How the mantra works and how to use it effortlessly
Integrating a daily meditation practice into your life
Day 3
Meditation & Stress Release
Refine, verify, and validate meditation experiences
Understand the physiology of stress and stress accumulation
How Vedic Meditation
removes accumulated stress
Day 4
Meditation & Consciousness
Upcoming milestones inside meditation and in daily life
How meditation changes our
state of consciousness
How to make the most of your meditation practice
Get in touch.
Please fill out the form below if you have any questions or if you’d like to schedule a free introductory talk.