We are addicted to our phones. This is because apps like Facebook and Instagram cause our brains to release dopamine—a “feel-good” hormone that makes us happy. This feeling is short-lived though, which keeps us always wanting more. And studies are beginning to show links between smartphone usage and increased levels of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Many of us wish we spent less time on our phones but find it incredibly difficult to disconnect. Here are a few tips to help decrease your screen time: .
1. Turn off all notifications for apps. Go to Settings > Notifications and turn off all notifications, banners, and badges, unless they are vital to your communication needs.
2. Go grayscale: Colorful icons give our brains shiny rewards every time we unlock. Set your phone to grayscale to remove those positive reinforcements. It helps many people check their phone less. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut (at the bottom) > Color Filters. This allows you to quickly triple-tap the home button to toggle grayscale on and off, so you keep color when you need it.
3. Turn on night shift to reduce your exposure to blue light. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift (I schedule mine 8:00pm to 8:00am).
4. Put your phone on airplane mode or do not disturb mode while you’re asleep—this decreases your EMF exposure.
5. Better yet, leave your phone in a different room while you sleep and invest in an alarm clock.
6. Leave your phone at home when you know you don’t need it. Say, when you’re out on a date or out for a walk in nature. You’ll be amazed at how free you feel without it.
7. Decide that you won’t get on certain apps on certain days of the week. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays you don’t get on Instagram.
8. Set screen time boundaries like no phone while eating or no phone when you’re visiting with a friend or family member.
9. Instead of scrolling on your phone, see what happens when you do the alternative and just sit there. Learn to be okay with boredom and any discomfort that may arise.
Do you have any other tricks for limiting screen time? Comment below👇🏼