Thursday, March 20th, is the Spring Equinox, representing the beginning of a new season. The word equinox is Latin for “equal night,” symbolizing the balance of day and night at this time of year.
Spring is a season of renewal, growth, and creation. Here are five ways to honor these themes:
🌷Set intentions: This is a powerful time to plant seeds for what you’d like to cultivate in the coming months.
🌷Host a spring potluck: Each guest can bring a dish with their favorite seasonal ingredients.
🌷Watch the sunrise & sunset: Tuning into the sun’s rhythms deepens our connection with nature.
🌷Clear space for new energy: Declutter what no longer serves you and refresh your space with colorful flowers, new art, or a spring-scented candle.
🌷Soak up the fresh air: Take a nature walk, read outside, or visit a local farmer’s market.
However you choose to celebrate—through ritual, gathering, or quiet moments in nature—may this season bring you growth and inspiration. 🌿