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What is Shen? The Definition of this TCM Term.

What is Shen?

Shen translates to “mind” or “spirit”. 

Shen governs the mind-body continuum and directs the activities of our Qi (vital energy). It is the connection between our attention and intention. Where attention goes, energy flows. 

Shen is housed in the heart. It shows up in the sparkle of our eyes and in the luster of our face. It shapes our personality and our nature. It is our ability to dance with life. 

Shen is sourced from the universe and is what connects us to everything. It is the part of the universe that we are born with and it is developed through our life experience.

Shen is our spiritual inhabitance of the world. It is dynamic and open. It develops and changes. It is unbounded. It is infinite. 

When Shen is out of balance it can manifest as insomnia, muddled thinking, nervousness, forgetfulness, slow or unclear speech, and mental illness.

We can nourish our Shen with high quality food, pure air, clean water, plenty of rest, peaceful activities, love, and companionship.