Acupuncture & Vedic Meditation in Boulder, CO

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The Sweet Flavor for Late Summer Health.

Embrace the sweet flavor to enhance your health during the transition between summer and fall. 

In Chinese medicine, there are five elements, and each element has a flavor associated with it. The late summer season, correlated with the earth element, focuses on the sweet flavor. 

The sweet flavor supports the spleen and stomach organs, strengthens digestive function, harmonizes energy in the body, soothes the nervous system, and hydrates the body. 

The sweet flavor I’m referring to doesn’t include overly sweet foods like chocolate, cake, and cookies. Instead, it refers to foods found in nature that have a more subtle and balanced sweetness. 

Avoid overindulgence in refined sweets and opt for naturally sweet foods such as rice, beans, apples, dates, lentils, carrots, onions, yams, fruit, and squash. 

PC: @tastyyummies