Acupuncture & Vedic Meditation in Boulder, CO

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Qi Gong Belly Breathing Exercise.


1. Find a comfortable seat with your back supported.
2. Fold your hands over your navel, and begin to notice your breathing. Start to encourage your breath to be longer, smoother and deeper.
3. Breathe into your lower abdomen where your hands are placed. Feel your hands move with your breath.
4. Inhale, expand your belly outwards. Hold at the top of your inhale. Exhale, draw your belly inwards toward your spine. Hold at the bottom of your exhale. Repeat.
5. Continue this for 3-5 minutes or until you feel a sense of calm and rejuvenation. Feel free to close your eyes while practicing this breathing exercise.

Did you know that belly breathing is actually the normal way for humans to breathe? We are born breathing this way. If you’ve ever watched a baby breathing, their bellies rise and fall with each breath. As we age, we lose this tendency and start to breathe into our upper chest. This can cause a feeling of anxiety and tension. Be more like a baby and move your breath from your chest to your belly! This will make you feel more sturdy and grounded.