Acupuncture & Vedic Meditation in Boulder, CO

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Pink Full Supermoon 2021: A Potent Time to Let Go & Create Space.

Tonight is the first supermoon of 2021. It will be bigger and brighter than most full moons. It’s called the pink moon because it occurs in the spring with all of the blooming flowers. 

“This full moon/supermoon offers a mind-opening new perspective on life, with a special spirit of courage in the face of fear.” ~ Anandashree Vedic Astrology

Full moons are a potent time to check in with ourselves, let go of what is no longer serving us, and create space for what we desire. 

I personally like to celebrate the full moon by meditating, lighting some candles and incense, picking a tarot card, journaling everything I’d like to let go of, and then thinking of 2-3 things that I’d like to call into the next month. Sometimes I also like to watch the moon rise and go for a walk in the moonlight. 

What are your favorite ways to honor the moon? 

PC: Green Green Dreams