Acupuncture & Vedic Meditation in Boulder, CO

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Noise is No Barrier to Meditation. Here's Why...

One of the best parts about Vedic Meditation is that we can practice it anywhere. On planes, subways, trains, and park benches. In cars, noisy houses, offices, and waiting rooms. All we need to do is close our eyes and find a place to sit comfortably with our backs supported. Noise is no barrier to meditation. Even in a noisy environment, we can meditate. If we can think, we can meditate. 

We don’t need to play music, or light incense, or have a special pillow. We don’t need to create a sacred space in order to meditate. We are the sacred space and we take it with us everywhere we go. We might have certain preferences like a favorite chair we like to sit in or a special candle we like to light, and that’s totally fine, but these things aren’t required. This is why Vedic Meditation is simple to integrate into our busy lives. 

Join me for a free intro talk on Vedic Meditation this Thursday, 5/25 at 6pm MT on Zoom. This talk is a prerequisite to the Learn to Meditate Course. Email me at for the link. 

Photo: Here I am in India about to meditate in the communal outdoor space. Lots of noises from the river, horses, and birds. Outdoor meditations are the best!