Mastering the Siddhis 3 in Austin.
This weekend I had the great good fortune of assisting Emily McCarthy as she facilitated Mastering the Siddhis 3—taught by our teacher Thom Knoles.
This course explores Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and how we can bring practical application of them into our meditation practice. It is a profound, yet simple technique, that awakens the direct experience of extraordinary human capabilities.
It was an honor to watch Emily in her element and to witness the worthy inquiry of the group of students. This group is so full of love, joy, wisdom, and playfulness. I am thrilled that I got to be a part of it.
I look forward to the day when I get to facilitate these courses for my community of students in Boulder (hopefully soon!). In the meantime, it is an absolute joy to assist my colleagues, learn from their unique styles of teaching, and serve the need of the group in each moment.
If you’d like to start exploring this body of knowledge, let’s begin with the Intro to Vedic Meditation Course. I’ll be teaching my next course September 19th-22nd. Reach out for more details!