10 Self-Care Tips for Election Day.
Tensions are high right now and we are all feeling it. Today is a big day and we are facing a lot of unknown. Make sure you are practicing self-care today and over the next few days. Here are some ways to take care of yourself:
1. Go for a few short walks throughout the day to move energy in your body. Maybe try walking in a direction you don’t normally go.
2. Take five deep breaths before every meal.
3. Practice stream of consciousness journaling. Write down all of your thoughts and fears as a way to clear your brain and decrease stress. Optional: burn the pieces of paper in a glass or ceramic bowl.
4. Try a body scan meditation. Go to the link in my bio for one of my personal favorites.
5. Plan to eat something delicious. You could order in from a favorite restaurant or cook a meal that you love.
6. Close your eyes and imagine your favorite place in nature. Use all five senses to add detail to your image and to put you into that space.
7. Think of five things that you are grateful for in this moment.
8. Ask for a hug.
9. Put on one of your favorite songs and dance it out.
10. An oldie but a goodie: scream into a pillow.
And of course try to go to bed at a reasonable hour, meditate, check in on your loved ones, and make time for any other activities that bring you joy. There is nothing we can’t handle. We got this!